A couple of women sitting on top of a wooden pier.

Death Of A Spouse

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We guide you through the maze of decisions you confront when a spouse passes, and we are always mindful of your emotional state at this most stressful time in your life.

  • We can facilitate collaboration among your existing advisors and professionals, such as tax advisors, valuation experts, legal counsel, and insurance providers  throughout your process.  We can also help identify professionals who may be beneficial to your situation and make referrals as needed.
  • We can help organize your financial documents and other information you will need to apply for benefits, including Social Security and life insurance.
  • We can help you budget for short and long-term expenses.
  • We can review your existing debt and assist with decisions about whether to reduce or eliminate it.
  • We can coordinate with your estate planning attorney and accountant to assist in settling your spouse’s estate. We often attend the meetings with you and your other key advisors so you do not have to worry about missing important details.
  • We can assist with other financial decisions, like whether you can (or should) stay in your home.
  • We can manage your investments, focusing on keeping costs and fees low, and advising on a globally diversified asset allocation that serves your specific needs.
  • We can help you plan for your financial future, and the support of children or other relatives who may be dependent on you.
  • We can coordinate with your accountant to manage your tax liability.
  • If you would like to honor your spouse in a special way, such as through philanthropy, a storybook, video, or other legacy goals, we can help you plan for this.
  • Perhaps most significantly, we can provide emotional support during this time of need and refer you to an appropriate therapist if required.
This time of massive stress and extended grieving triggers serious financial decisions, at a time when you are least able to cope with them. We can help.
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